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This is a brand new currency distributed by being active in the work chat. Originally we earned Trust as a currency in the work chat but this has been switched to Faithfulness

Faithfulness is used for pairing up members during our co-mentorship. In this case the two members who are the closest in faithfulness will be paired up. The more faithfulness you have also determines the mentors in the game industry you can communicate with in the future.

There are other uses as in being tradeable for trust. 100 faithfulness can be traded for 200 trust. by using the /buyrole command on discord and choosing, "Promising Trial Member".

Just like Trust you can check how much you have using the /currency command. This is what it would look like using the command.

Choose Faithfulness

Choose percentage

Choose false if you want to see the number of faithfulness you have.

Choose true if you want to see the percentage you own of the total amount of faithfulness distributed.

After you entered the information and hit enter the [P1-OM] Bot will send you a DM with the requested faithfulness info.