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The checklist below will act as a guide on how to review a PR. BE STRICT BE MERCILESS. If you think something is wrong make it known, if a mistake gets through the review process it will probably never be fixed.

Add yourself in each PR as a reviewer and if you found no mistakes or bugs merge the PR.


Check that every new function has an XML tag above it. Make sure that it clearly explains what the function does.
Check that any edited function had it's XML tag updated to display it's new functionality.
Check that each public or serializable variable has a [Tooltip] explaining what it does.
Check that each private non-serializable variable has a comment explaining what it does. (If the variable's name is self explanatory it doesn't need a comment.)
Make sure that the code structure and naming convention follows our Style Guide. Checkout the Style Guide section.
Make sure that every new script, prefab and file is named and placed on the correct folder. Don't approve placing scripts on the art folder, or scriptables on the prefab folder.
If the PR has new folders make sure their name explains their content. If the name is 'test of [discord name]' or '[Discord name]' rain down divine punishment till they fix it. We have GitHub to track who made what.
Look out for major optimization problems, but remember, premature optimization is the root of all evil.
Enter their branch and playtest the changes while looking for bugs.
If a bug seems small enough ask them to fix it before merging.
If a bug is large and the PR is urgent consider making a seperate task for solving it.
If the bug is game breaking and they don't know how to fix it make a task for someone to help them.