Programming Documentation


Programming Documentation

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This section covers the Notice board with some tips on how to effectively use it.


There is no revert option after you make changes.

Notice Board?!

The Notice board is an easy to use online form that allows you to write and publish the content of the workplace without needing any prior experience in editing, writing, or publishing websites. It offers a simple layout yet is pleasing to the eye and easy to read.
We here at P1 use it to write most of our documentation and guide regarding our general tools and our different disciplines.

In fact, this awesome documentation is written entirely using this very tool!

It offers an easy and convenient way to update our documentation as we progress with the project, in one accessible place as a reminder for us and to make it as easy as possible for newcomers to get familiar with us.

It may not be as cool as programming the next cool mechanic but it's a very important asset to fall back to and help newcomers understand the workflow of P1.

How to access the Notice Board

Please follow this link to fill out the form and find out how to gain access to the notice board.

Helpful Tips to write the notice

I figured it would be helpful to make a guide for future users of the notice system. It is not too complicated but finicky.

I will show the results of all the different commands:

/Paragraph just plain text


This is the header 1 command


This is the header 2 command


This is the header 3 command



  1. Here is a numbered list
  2. nothing special
    1. but there are sub numbered lists
      1. and third
        1. oh no...
          1. no!
            1. it cant!
              1. again!?
                1. ...
                  1. it shouldn't go this far
                    1. no more
                      1. its not practical
                        1. see


public class ItsACodeBlock
  //you can change the language and style in the bottom right
    I am not a fan of the styles, not good for readibility.
    This is Nord Dark its my favorite but still not great.
    It may be better to just add images of code snippits.

  private int _integer;
  private string _stringObject;
  public string StringObject
    get => _stringObject;
    set => _stringObject = value;


There are hints and you can click the icon to cycle through 4 different types


A quote I guess its not much "I will stick to quotations" - Cherve


Here are dividers on top and bottom. I think it would be better if you could change the size I don't see a way


A to do list
make a to do list


You can add images with the image command through files or url. Whats really cool is there are handles on either side to adjust the size of the image easily


You can add video through files or url but i got an error trying to click url


Untitled Column 1 Untitled Column 2 Untitled Column 3
programming table


/ai text

What is programming? (AI answered)

Programming is the process of designing, writing, testing, and maintaining computer programs. It involves using programming languages to create instructions that a computer can understand and execute. These programs can be used to perform a wide range of tasks, from simple calculations to complex data analysis and machine learning. Programmers use a variety of tools and techniques to develop software, including integrated development environments (IDEs), version control systems, and testing frameworks. Programming is a crucial skill in today's digital age, and is used in a wide range of industries, including software development, finance, healthcare, and entertainment.

/ai image

A human working at a computer surrounded by nature (AI generated)


we can embed javascript


we can also embed html

We can also embed videos from youtube, vimeo, loom and timetonic forms

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