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1. Write self-explanatory code: Choose variable and function names that clearly convey their purpose.

2. Keep it DRY: Don't Repeat Yourself. Reuse code whenever possible to make maintenance easier.

3. Follow the SOLID principles: These are five guidelines that help with creating scalable and maintainable software.

4. Comment wisely: Comments should explain the 'why', not the 'what', so future you or someone else can understand the code better.

5. Use version control: Tools like Git help you manage changes, collaborate, and revert to older versions if needed.

6. Code reviews: Have others review your code for readability, potential bugs, and overall quality.

7. KIS: Keep It Simple. Don't add complexity if you don't have to.

8. YAGNI: You Aren't Gonna Need It. Don't add functionality until you actually need it.

9. Think about security: Always consider potential vulnerabilities in your code, such as SQL injection or data leaks.

10. Test, test, test: Write unit tests to cover as much functionality as possible, and always test your code thoroughly.

11. Update the general documentation whenever you work on code.

12. Keep code isolated: Isolating different parts of your system makes the code easier to understand, test, and modify, reduces mistakes, and improves teamwork.