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This guide covers how to use Trello generally and with [P1] specifically

Getting Credit

If you are doing this lesson to get credit write down 5 things that confuse you about Trello before reading this guide

Trello Home

Once you have made your Trello account, you can find your Trello homepage just by going to

We suggest bookmarking the Trello page:

As a [P1] member you will be given access to a lot of Trello boards but for this tutorial let's use:

Visiting that link will populate your home page with an example Trello board.

Understanding the Home Page

Return to and see:

[X] out the templates for clarity.

Create a list of recent, relevant boards. Hover over P1 Academy and click ⭐.

Understanding Trello Board Components

Trello is a task organization system.

You can break down the system into 4 levels:

Working with Boards

Boards can be [Public] or [Private].

[Public] boards

Public boards allow anyone to see cards on that board.

You still need to be Invited to change anything. However, you can always copy items from a public board to one you control.

[private] boards

View = Invite only

Change = Invite only

Navigating Boards

Scrolling Sideways

On Desktop

Hold Shift ⇧ and roll the mouse wheel to go left and right:


Grab the scrollbar at the bottom and pull it sideways:

On laptop

Place 2 fingurs on your trackpad "flat mouse" and scroll right:

Don't click and drag across as you will move cards by mistake:

Working with Lists

What is a list

Lists are a group of cards.

Navigating a List

Grab the navigation bar to view the whole list.

Organizing Cards Using Lists

Both cards and lists can be moved simply by dragging them.

Moving Permissions

Everyone that has EDIT permissions on a board can move lists and cards

Working with Cards

Types of Cards

You can see the type of card by noticing the icons attached to it.

Read the card types and notice the symbols on each:

📰 = Has text inside

📎 = Has attachments

Sometimes cards are used as headers.

Sometimes header-cards contain useful information:

Image Cards

Cards will sometimes be used to convey an image:

Sometimes image cards can be clicked to reveal interesting information:

Add a Card

Anyone with edit permissions can add a card.

  1. Click "Add a card".
  2. Name your card.
  3. Click the blue "Add a card" button.

Edit a card

Anyone with edit permissions can edit cards even if they did not create them.

  1. Click on the card.
  2. Change the card name or description.
  3. Click "Save".

Search Cards

You can search for cards in the top right corner.

The search function in Trello is slow and confusing. We recommend using Ctrl + F and searching the board that way instead:

Move a Card

  1. Click and hold the card.
  2. Drag the card to a new place or a card.

Archiving generally

Archiving a task removes it from public view. The task is still visible when using the search function.

Archive vs Delete

Archive = Hide

Delete = Totally delete card

You can find archived cards using search.

Archiving a Card

Anyone with edit permission can archive a task.

  1. Click on the card.
  2. Click "Archive" at the bottom.

Restoring Archived Cards

Click "Send to board".

Deleting Cards

To delete a card you must first archive it:

Sharing Cards

To share a card click the "Share" button:

Adding and Managing Members

Add a member to a card

  1. Click on a card.
  2. Click "Members".
  3. Pick a member or add a new one.
Quickly add yourself to an open card using spacebar.

Remove a member from a card

  1. Click on a card.
  2. Click the member's avatar.
  3. Click "Remove".

Using Labels and Due Dates

Add a label

  1. Click on a card.
  2. Click "Labels".
  3. Pick a label or make a new one.
We at [P1] never fill in a time only a date.

Filtering Cards

Seeing only your own card

Push Q -- and it will stop you seeing other cards!

Be aware -- it's not recommended to move cards while in a filter as you might place them above a header you did not intend to as you did not see it.

Filter cards

  1. Click "Filter".
  2. Type keywords.
  3. or select a label like "Art".

Copy a card

  1. Click on a card.
  2. Click "Copy".
  3. Name the copy.
  4. Choose a list.
  5. Click "Create Card".

Using Keyboard Shortcuts


  1. Press '?' on the board.
  2. See the list of shortcuts.
  3. Use shortcuts to save time.

Viewing Board Activity


  1. Click "...".
  2. See recent board actions.
This can be very helpful when seeking to find a card you worked on but did not join.

Creating your Own Board

It's time to test your skills by creating your own Trello board.

1) Head to and make sure you are logged in.

2) Click Create > Workspace

Remember a workspace is a collection of boards.

3) Fill in the details with anything you like and choose "Other" for type.

4) Skip the next step

5) Choose a template OR start with a blank page. We suggest a blank page.

6) Create some lists. "To Do", "Doing", "Done" are the classic Kanban lists.

7) Make the board visible to the public

8) Click Share

9) Create a link you can send others to have them collaborate with you on your board:

Getting credit for doing the lesson

Note how many of your initial questions (see top) this guide answered. Then, think of five new questions that the lesson didn't address.

Type them out and take a screenshot of what you typed.

Upload that screenshot to the channel of the same name in Discord.

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